
About Me

Hello! My name is Sanjjushri Varshini R, and I am a Machine Learning Engineer passionate about creating innovative AI Solutions

I hold a B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, providing a strong foundation in AI's theoretical and practical aspects. My extensive experience spans developing and deploying ML models, data-driven applications, and intelligent systems tailored to meet diverse business needs.

I have published research papers in reputable AI journals, including work on Large Language Models (LLMs).

Whether it's developing custom chatbots, implementing predictive analytics systems, or building comprehensive data pipelines, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI. I aim to create solutions that solve complex problems, enhance user experiences, and drive innovation.

Let's collaborate to bring your AI projects to life and harness the power of technology to create impactful solutions.


RAG Model - Private Data Chatbot
Private Data Chatbot - RAG

PDF Q&A with Llama2: A Streamlit App for Personalized Document Interaction Using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Upload your personal documents and chat with them seamlessly!

Blog Post Source Code
Time Series Forecasting for Air and Noise Pollution
Generating Synthetic Tabular Data with GANs

Tabular data generator, upload sample data and generate millions of rows for test case generation. The solution streamlines data generation process.

Blog Post Source Code
Time Series Forecasting for Air and Noise Pollution
ML Model Monitoring with Evidently AI

Demonstrating the integration and usage of Evidently AI and MLflow for machine learning model monitoring. Gain actionable insights to enhance your ML workflows!

Blog Post Source Code
Project 2
Estimating Pairs for Pair Trading with Cluster Analysis

Conducted cluster analysis on US and Indian company data to identify potential pairs for pair trading, employing K-Means, Hierarchical, and Affinity Propagation Clustering algorithms.

Blog Post Source Code
Time Series Forecasting for Air and Noise Pollution
Legal Document Summarizer - Bert & spaCy

A legal document summarizer employing BERT and SpaCy, meticulously benchmarked for optimal performance. Experience streamlined document analysis

Source Code
Time Series Forecasting for Air and Noise Pollution
Time Series Forecasting Air and Noise Pollution Across Locations with PySpark

The past environmental data is analyzed using PySpark to forecast air and noise pollution levels with high accuracy, enabling proactive measures for environment.

Source Code
Time Series Forecasting for Air and Noise Pollution
Sentiment Analysis

Conducted sentiment analysis on Tamil-language reviews to discern the underlying emotional tone and opinions expressed within the text.

Source Code
Time Series Forecasting for Air and Noise Pollution

A Python package designed to generate random code snippets, fostering fun learning experiences for novice programmers.

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Time Series Forecasting for Air and Noise Pollution

A dynamic cricket game Python package offering random score generation for an entertaining coding experience.

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Turtle Score -- Similarity Based Developer Analyzer
Turtle Score -- Similarity Based Developer Analyzer

This research aims to comprehend, analyze and automatically produce convincing outcomes to find a candidate who perfectly fits right in the company.

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Instinctive Data Analysis in Machine Learning and Summary Exhibitor
Instinctive Data Analysis in Machine Learning and Summary Exhibitor

The main objective of the paper is to perform the automated data analysis tool for Machine Learning in an easier way.

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Search Engine and Recommendation System for the Music Industry built with JinaAI
Search Engine and Recommendation System for the Music Industry built with JinaAI

Utilizing Jina AI to create a music search engine that matches song lyrics with single queries.

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Estimating Countries with Similar Maternal Mortality Rate using Cluster Analysis and Pairing Countries with Identical MMR
Estimating Countries with Similar Maternal Mortality Rate using Cluster Analysis and Pairing Countries with Identical MMR

Using cluster analysis identification of countries with similar maternal mortality rates and pairs them accordingly, aiming to understand factors influencing maternal health outcomes.

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Comparative Study and Framework for Automated Summariser Evaluation: LangChain and Hybrid Algorithms
Comparative Study and Framework for Automated Summariser Evaluation: LangChain and Hybrid Algorithms

A comparative study evaluates automated summarizer performance, utilizing LLMs and LangChain for enhanced learning analytics through PDF comprehension analysis.

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Automating REST API Postman Test Cases Using LLM
Automating REST API Postman Test Cases Using LLM

This research introduces an innovative method leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate the generation of Postman test cases for REST APIs, streamlining testing processes and ensuring comprehensive coverage of API properties.

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Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python, Julia
  • Libraries and Frameworks: Scikit-learn, Hugging Face, LangChain, Spacy, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras
  • Data Visualization: Plotly, Tableau, Google Data Studio, Highcharts, Matplotlib, Seaborn,
  • Database Management: SQL, NoSQL (Cassandra)
  • ML Model Monitoring: EvidenlyAI, MlFlow
  • Big Data Technologies: PySpark
  • Cloud Platforms: AWS, GCP
  • Deployment Tools: Docker, FastAPI, Streamlit, Chainlit, Flask,

Methodologies and Processes

  • Data Preprocessing: Data cleaning, Normalization, Feature Engineering
  • Model Development: Model Selection, Hyperparameter Tuning, Cross-validation
  • Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised, unsupervised learning, ensemble methods
  • Deep Learning: CNNs, RNNs, GANs
  • Custom LLM and Chatbots: Custom LLM development, custom chatbot creation
  • NLP: Text preprocessing, tokenization, NER, sentiment analysis
  • Time Series Analysis: Trend analysis, ARIMA, Prophet
  • Data Visualization and Reporting: Dashboards, Interactive Visualizations
  • Project Management: Agile methodologies, Scrum

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